About Donna

Donna Russo was born in Providence, Rhode Island. Her writing endeavors began at age six and covered such timely topics as The Pink Pussy Cat for President and The  Numbers 2 and 4 are in Love.

Traveling through adolescence on the wings of the ‘60s gave Donna a lot of grist for her writing   mill. Feminism, civil rights, the Vietnam War were all a disturbing yet highly motivating muse.   Donna found her voice in fiction and with the appearance of a new horror writer on the book   scene, a little-known author named Stephen King, she turned her pen to the gruesome and the grotesque.

After graduating from the University of Rhode Island, Donna worked in marketing and advertising for large corporations and small non-profit arts organizations. When she had her children, she knew with a certainty that she needed to show them, by example, that if you believe in yourself, anything is possible.

Donna Russo is a bestselling author of historical, biographical, and women's fiction, as well as fantasy. She has made a significant impact in the literary world with her detailed writing and compelling characters. Her notable works include multi-award-winning Vincent’s Women and her internationally bestselling Novels of Newport: Gilded Age series, Gilded Summers and Gilded Dreams. Her historical fantasy, The King’s Agent, earned a starred review in Publisher’s Weekly.

An award-winning screenwriter, ghostwriter, and artist, Donna has over thirty years of experience as a certified book coach and has been a writing instructor for Writer’s Digest for over a decade. Donna has also worked as an actor and model with appearances in such notable works as Martin Scorsese’s THE DEPARTED and Showtimes THE BROTHERHOOD. Donna is also one of the oldest practicing yoga aerialists in the country. www.authordonnarusso.com

Donna lives peacefully, close to the beautiful shoreline of Rhode Island that she loves so much. Her two sons--Devon, an opera singer and Dylan, a trained chef--will always be her greatest works.